It displays all the FAQs and their categories

Yes! Once you register for an account on either our website or IconGO the same login credentials can be used across both platforms. In addition, all reservations purchased will automatically appear in your account on the IconGO app and vice versa. However, note that monthly parking account support is not currently provided on the app.

Yes! When you share your personal referral link located on the Icon Go app, and your friends sign up and book their first reservation using your link, a $10 credit will automatically be added to your account for future use!  

Your link and unique referral code can be found by clicking on REFER A FRIEND in the IconGO menu. You can share through text, email or social media. There is no limit to the amount of 

credits you can earn. Start sharing today and watch the credits roll in!

Typically no. You will have to speak to the attendant on duty before the vehicle is parked, so that they can determine if your vehicle can be accommodated in a space that is easily accessible. Please note, this is not always possible nor guaranteed. 

Limited spaces are available at select garages. Please call the facility directly to ensure that they can accommodate your vehicle. Facility phone numbers are provided on the website and IconGO app as you select a facility on the search screen. Please note, prepaid reservations cannot be made for these types of vehicles. 

Unfortunately, we are not able to track or retrieve daily receipts for drive up transactions as they can only be printed at the time of the transaction. If you need a copy of your online reservation confirmation, you may be able to get a copy if you are a registered user and the reservation was made while logged in. Your reservations will appear separately under “My Reservations” on the website and “My Trips” on the IconGO app in the “Upcoming” section.